PWC Connection Kit

Modification of a Hose Swivel ENGLISH

If you have purchased Flyboard® Pro Series Standalone refs. FB04B03 / FB04B03L / FB04B04 or a Jet Pack by ZR® Standalone ref. JP01B03 (versions without connection kit, for connecting on an existing kit), it will be necessary to modify the existing hose swivel.

FB03A03 : Hose swivel sold with Flyboard® 2014 (Legend) and Hoverboard by ZR®

Flyboard® Pro Series (standalone) and Jet Pack by ZR (standalone) are supplied with a rubber O-ring (ref. FB04094), to replace the wear ring ref. FB02031. For this, remove the wear ring ref. FB02031 (which is lightly glued to the swivel) and roll the O-ring ref. FB04094 down in its place.

If you find the quick connexion between the Y pipe and the hose swivel stiff, you can also drill the index pin’s holes with a size 16 bit, which will facilitate the insertion of the index pin ref. FB04046. 

Solving Vibration Problems ENGLISH

If the user feels vibrations whilst flying, it is not cavitation, but they affect the performance, comfort and may damage mechanical parts on Fly- board® and the PWC. If the vibration problem is solved, performance will be improved. 

In case of vibrations:

1st step: Remove the nozzle rings ref. FB04044


2nd step: If the problem continues, replace the wear ring of the u-pipe with the parts ref. FB03102 (see below)

Note: If you own the 2013 version of the u-pipe, simply use the short wear ring ref. FB02274 that was provided with your Flyboard®


3rd step: If the vibrations continue, slightly unscrew the screws ref. FB02012 half a turn by half a turn, until vibrations stop.

Important: there will be a loss of power caused by the water leakage, however it is negligleable in comparison to the power gained following these steps.

Warning: Parts ref. FB03102 may not have been supplied with you Flyboard® pro series. If so, please contact your distributor that will supply them for free.